Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age

Our daycare is a buzzing place to be! We have rooms for our infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. In the summer we add school age kids. Each age has specific needs and teachers who nurture them well.  Students follow a loose schedule that includes age-appropriate activities:  indoor and outdoor play, crafts, songs and story-times, rest and eating. 

We accept both full-time and part-time students.

Infants and toddlers

Our caregivers nurture these wee ones, giving them a safe place to develop and explore their quickly changing abilities. We care and encourage them as they learn to move and communicate. Parents are kept up to date on what's going on in their child's life--food, sleep, play and diapering/toileting through the Bright Wheel App. 

Daycare/Preschool Application

Threes and Fours

Our threes and fours are running, jumping, hopping, and throwing , , , and growing more confident as they maneuver through their worlds. They are making friends and building their imaginations as they learn to pretend as they play. Sharing and helping are a big part of what they learn to do! Short Bible lessons, songs, verses, and prayers help them learn about the God who made them!